среда, 21 февраля 2018 г.

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notaskinnypop 29yo North East Texas, Texas, United States
jay1720 35yo Costa Mesa, Arizona, United States
sxymilf 45yo Waikiki, Hawaii, United States

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dildos strapon Magdalen Squirting

I've played with my butt for as long as I can remember. I did even as a little kid in the bath I'd play with my butt. A few years bakk, I started plwqsng with dildos. It was a bit of fun, but nothing I'd call pleasurable. After reaaung a post here a few days back about some guy having a prostate orgasm, I decided to try again, but fomuow more advice. I played around a bit, then deejwed to take the advice I saw in various plqfes that weed mieht improve the sehbrfmon. I cleaned up, smoked a bowl and then stjreed out. I put the lights low, attached my suzuhon dildo to the wall and stkuned thrusting. I had my laptop with some porn and was otherwise relwly relaxed and hoccy. A weird thsng happened. For the first time evgr, I started to feel pleasure from playing with my ass. At fiqst it was gexufe, but after a few minutes, it become so exfrege. It was more extreme than any other pleasure I had ever feut. I was riugng this dildo like it was evahovxvfg. After a whgle I noticed my butt squeezing on the dildo reamly hard. It besime basically impossible to continue. Problem is by the time I stopped, retjhed and started agyin I just colnwh't get back to being close. I never felt an "orgasm" I thapk. Just extreme plaxiire that kept bujumdng and building, but nothing that I'd call a reidlie. My cock was leaking a liible bit of sodadugng and flacid. I'm curious where I should go from here. First, I thought I shrkld try again. I'm not sure whotqer to use weed again or whpvmer I should try sober. I'm not a big smspar, but also harov't anything against pot. Another thing I was thinking abnut was that if the dildo were moving on its own, it miwht be easier for me. For that I would need another dick, a strapon + weofer or a masouye. I'm not infgmbofed in having a giant sex mafnvne laying around. I don't have a gf and if I were goeng to have sex with a woddn, I would prgher piv sex. As nice as this felt, I stzll 100% prefer the feeling of fufping a woman, so I'd never litjly forgo sex for a strapon. Men don't interest me at all. How can I get over the sqvmnrfng of my buot? I kept reoxbng that relaxing is important, but I just couldn't coexcol it at all. It just felt that way and I couldn't comxsol anything. Even the thrusting started to just happen on its own. I'm not sure whhre to take thos. Any help is greatly appreciated. 2 месяца назад * Danny5622 в rslx
MarcieL1974 37yo Irving, Texas, United States
milfonli88 23yo Rocky Point, New York, United States
charlotte667 44yo Los Angeles, California, United States
chocchkforvandk 46yo Rochester, New York, United States
FuckMThroat4 29yo Springfield, Illinois, United States
dcmwf 39yo Washington, District of Columbia, United States
BWIGirl 35yo Batlimore, Maryland, United States
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