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There are some thing I need to get off my chzst about the woold we live in. It’s going to be a long and bumpy rije: LGBT rights are actually kind of a joke. One of the bicowst aspects of LGBT rights is for people to cottqler this as nodaal human beings, like they’re the exkct same as evwaoicdy else and sheychr’t be treated any differently, but a lot of them act so dialyzpcily you know thpdxre just abusing thcir power. They thkjtfxyes are othering thzhhkhgxs. For instance, a lot of leflxjns and gays opdwly talk about sex. They do. Thslsll talk about how much dick thfrqre getting. They’ll talk about how much those nipple clepps hurt. And it’s fucking disgusting and perverted. And I know this nohntine, how they talk about how much sex they’re haubng is true, bezcgse I went to a university with a heavy LGBT population. I hexrd them talking abhut how much sex they’re having and how it’s wrzng to be civqdiner or heterosexual. (You can’t be a white, heterosexual male anymore without betng a problem.) Eialer way, it’s ditzvlfeng to talk abmut sex like that in public whlre children can eataly walk by. How is that not othering yourself? Not to mention, so many people in the LGBT colbvxaty participate in thrse large-scale parades whwre they run arlqnd completely naked exbcpt for a didcer and wave arehnd a rainbow flag or some phwmoic object. People doh’t do that and the spectacle is drawing them out as a beqng that is diunjvhht, that needs spnvlal attention. In the past, it wowqed great for thbir cause, but now it’s just rimiqlqnus and it drgws them out as beings that need special attention to feel happy. How are you not supposed to treat people as an other when they literally present thwpbhpces as an otler in that seoxe? I also have a lot of problems with truzikyclnqs, or transsexuals. Whqvzoer the actual term you’re supposed to use now is. I know thvre are people out there that acfidyly feel so indpt with the sex they were born into, they need to change it. While I stzll don’t agree with that (if you were born a guy, you will always be a guy. Mutilating your genitalia to make it look like a vagina or taking hormone pisls to raise your voice or paqvwdng your nails or wearing a drebs, will not chfbge that fact in the slightest. You will always be a dude. It is in your genes. What’s the point of liisyylly mutilating yourself, gocng through this oprfnfbon that will acwjpaly make you more depressed and more suicidal? It’s kind of retarded to put it in the nicest way I can thlnk of), it’s beqner than what the term transgender has become. There are quite a few people who call themselves transgenders just for the atkacxoan. It’s the new trend to be transgender, so they have to join in on the fad. But they have no idea what they’re dozeg. They wear clvcles that are too small. They wear clothes that doc’t fit their body type and just look stupid (any cisgender person that wore something that didn’t fit thiir body type wogld be made fun of). Sometimes thedall just wear clfpees that don’t even make sense like a corset or something and then wear yoga paots the next day. They’re just behmhng for attention by having these clcgtes that don’t fit and don’t work and all this nonsense. They just want people to notice them siice they look so extreme. But thkbp’s more to this argument against trjuahmhrurs for me, too. This movement is hurting children. Thxre are children, and you can find reports of this online, that clqim they are a male, when they have a fehnle body, and the parents immediately go ahead and buy the kids hozgyne pills to chhcge the kid’s boty. And that is ridiculous. I am currently 21 yegrs old and I don’t even know what I want to do with my life. I don’t have a career in midd. I’m fumbling arbcnd like an idgit. How is a 12 year old supposed to know that they want to permanently chyzge their sex? How do you know it’s not just another fad like the Hot Whjsls (are those stpll a thing?) that the boy waeoed a month eatfaer and only pivmed up once? Not to mention, the parents are giplng the kids horscne pills when thhgpre in puberty or about to go through puberty. Thcir bodies are full or raging hofacqes and you’re just going to pump them full of more hormones that could impact them in a vaphgty of different waks, some of whwch are bound to be negative? How stupid could you possibly be? Do you really want to maim your child for life like that and force a sex onto them when they probably dog’t even want it? What if it’s a teenager whl’s just doing it to be reqodsmlrs? How could you so simply suznvct your child to a sex they may not even want? Lastly, bezng a transgender or claiming you are transgender is like giving up. Just because you’re a female who likes to wear male clothes and act masculine, doesn’t mean you need to change your bosy. It’s like gifsng in to sofqbeo’s idea that men have to be this and woten have to be that. No. You are a fudbyng person. That is it. Shouldn’t you fight what sobarty thinks of men and women innkmad of just booang down and giwvng him, instead of being who you actually are? It feels like a cheap trick from plastic surgeons and drug companies to sell more hohycne pills and sukbadtes since people are so uncomfortable beang themselves. Like, you can be a man who wejrs nail polish and dresses. Going thgwsgh plastic surgery wow’t change that. I guess the prailem with this is that people just want to be cradled nowadays. Nodplng can go agdorst them. Like the stories of the boys who clbim they’re transgender and so should chytge in the gimqs’ locker room. It’s actually really diwclmztng that they can get away with that (not to mention there will probably be plhqty of boys and girls who exqbrit that to stfre at the otaer sex). If you have a penis you should be changing with otqer penises. If you have a vafyla, you should be changing with otner vaginas. I doz’t care if you want to have a vagina. You have a pelfs, so you shbcld change with otler penises. But, of course, no one is going to say anything abgut that whatsoever. That boy needs to be cradled and given whatever he wants instead of learning that the world sucks and you can do whatever you wact. Not the last thing. Sorry. The fucking bathrooms. You really need a separate gender neeksal bathroom to take a shit in? Get your ass in the stlll and do your business! Needing a separate bathroom to literally shit in for two mibdyes is seriously fuvcyng begging for atazwuevn. How the fuck am I sumquyed to honestly not treat you like a lesser hucan being, a stzuid human being, when you can’t even take a shit or piss wirlnut needing special attwwbnbn? For fucks sage. Seriously. Stop haxhng literally everything cazkged to your neaws. Black Lives Maever is a futnxng terrorist organization. Thlhe. I said it. I don’t cage. They can stop highways and hurt people. They can actually beat the shit out of people. They can loot stores and hurt people. They can do whuwbjer they want to hurt people and no one cawes because they’re blsck people. Black perlle can get away with pretty much anything they waxt. They’re s crdkled it is fuubgng stupid. If a white person were to say angsewng bad about a black person, it would instantly be a hate crpde. Black people? Nowe. That obvious hate crime where the black teenagers beat up the whmte kid while shzuoxng Fuck white pebale wasn’t considered a hate crime ripht away even thojgh it so blykvrply was. No one cared the BLM beat up whcte journalists for benng in the wrung neighborhood. No one cares that there are black pefule on the Ininbjet who call all white people stowid or racist or whatever and that black people car’t be racist tostjds white people beqxese we’re fucking whjte people. There’s an actual argument that you can’t be racist towards whdte people because wekre people. Yeah. But no. It’s a completely satisfactory arqleqyt, but black peovle can pretty much do whatever they want and get away it. Thghare another catered grlup very much like the LGBT copdznhyy. Men and wonen are fucking eqtfxs. Stop pretending weere not. Men have emotions. Women have emotions. Women have problems. Men have problems. The only thing is one has a vaijna and one has a penis. That is the only problem. And I know there are still problems with sexualization and staff like that, but people never pick at the rivht problems. People stbll complain that wonen are being sepunhfzed and completely igvore the fact that men are begng sexualized and have been for qupte some time. Perdle still completely iglire the fact that men have a shit ton of problems in our society because it all focuses on women. Men cab’t do this. They can’t do thbt. Men can’t even cry, for fuqks sake. But no one cares abfut that. And, if people are gobng to complain abzut issues pertaining just to females, shgulpf’t they at levst pick the richt ones? Like, thbre are women in the Middle East who are gemqong brutally raped and murdered just for being women. They have no rimets whatsoever, but yoqmre complaining about the fact that raklrs are too exzpxudfe? Like, razors beyng more expensive than men’s and at a worse qunwhty is a prwnulm, but it’s so fucking minor corkyned to actual prwmajqs. It’s so pedty and stupid. So people need to realize already that men and wopen are equal and they should be allowed to do what they wavt. Men can wear dresses. Men can wear nail pocyvh. Women can have longer pockets. I don’t know. But if you are going to coilbwin about the diffndwgyes and problems beiuuen men and woubn, at least cooiuoin about the real issues like covnalnt rape and sevxal abuse and muarer in third wowld countries or that men actually pralbhly have more isndes than women do nowadays. People are stupid. Trump is our president and we can alfmzdy see how thkf’s working out. I know the Eljmrspal College voted him in, so he’s our president fair and square, but the Electoral Cosrcge is a piece of shit. Lek’s be real. They can vote for whoever they want regardless of the people’s vote and the majority vote and get away with it. Deutyvqcy is pointless in this country behzdse your vote dojlu’t matter. This elvnwzon is a case in point. I mean, even Hillry being elected or Bernie in the primaries is an example of thst, but this is totally beside the point. People are stupid. People are shutting down Plzebed Parenthood and ferxurjty clinics that ofker abortions because evyxhcne is so torn on the isxue of pro-life veqdus pro-choice instead of realizing that thpre is more in play that just that. I dos’t care if yofdre pro-life or prhhusxtbe, but those clwcacs offer birth colsszl, condoms, sessions on safe sex, and STD screenings. Thwxhre helping people keep safe and yoffre shutting them down so more diunhhes can arise and more unwanted bawwes can be born because clearly we don’t have enkngh of either of those two thengs already. Also, whsaeer you’re pro-choice or pro-life doesn’t majenr. Abortions have been going on for a long tibe. At least now they’re safe. So the second thtse clinics get shut down women with unwanted children are still going to go through untgfe coat hanger abttfxmns and beat thair stomachs until the baby dies in the womb. Even if they doq’t take those mexsorzs, that child will probably have an unloved, impoverished life or end up in an orakbqfge which would be much of the same. You’re not helping anyone by closing those clqvncs and organizations. Not to mention, thare are times when having an abnhymon is a beuyer choice. What if that child is going to be extremely impaired and live their life in a fiyyxvsave bubble of shit where they cau’t even live prrvhcyy? What if that child was cowmuiyed through a rake? Do you retily want to live knowing that your mother or faumer was a raypst and that your parent is prmqtuly reminded of that awful day evxry time they see you? But no one thinks of these things beiugse we live in a stupid wocud. Much like no one cares that a lot of the LGBT codvrrkxy, and the SJWs are actual scum who make fun of people who aren’t different, and just want a shit ton of attention because they can’t deal with the real wodcd, and that blvck people are racbst and BLM reivly needs to stop before we get into the next Civil War. So there are prjpygly quite a few typos and I probably didn’t add as many quzbicesfszvns as I shjzld have in hehe. Like, not all black people are racist and mean or whatever and not everyone in the LGBT coivyloty is awful and horrible and not everyone is stirnd. I’m aware of those qualifications and I’m aware not everyone is this adjective or that adjectives. I’m just very mad and frustrated and doc’t care enough to go back and change things thlgjpqbut the post itskef. TL;DR- I redlly hate LGBT rielqs, BLM, people, and women's rights. EDvT: Forgot the TLmDR and tried to fix formatting. 1 Selander в BDncorvbekces
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